
About CUNO

CUNO grew out of a small group of Columbia Graduate students who began visiting local New York City classrooms in 2005, teaching short workshops about the brain in the spirit of Brain Awareness Week. We have greatly expanded since, and we are always looking for new volunteers and new classes to visit, so please contact us for more information or if you would like to help out.

Mission statement

  • To foster a lifelong interest in the brain and science
  • To serve students of all ages (K-12-Adult) within our local communities
  • To provide accessible educational resources for the wider general public
  • To build and sustain a more inclusive and diverse scientific community
  • To provide open and safe spaces for students to explore their scientific curiosity

Thank you to our sponsors!

We are thankful for the support we receive from these organizations:

The DANA Foundation
The Zuckerman Institute
Columbia University Irving Medical Center